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60th Anniversary for Martin County Fair

60th Anniversary for Martin County Fair

martin county fair 60th anniversary

The Martin County Fair is back for its 60th Anniversary!

The Martin County fair is organized solely by volunteers to benefit and promote our county’s youth, agriculture, horticulture and community resources. It’s a great event for all ages. The location of the fair may be different next year so if you’re looking to experience some nostalgia, be sure to capture your memories with photos.

The fair showcases livestock including backyard chicken coops, rabbits, honeybees, goats, horses and more, as well as container, organic, community, vertical and hydroponic gardens.*

New events this year are:
-Rust and Flame Blacksmiths
-Highwaymen Art
-Firefighter Combat Challenge
-Danny Grant Cowboy Circus
-Fencing Demonstrations

*More information can be found on the Fair’s website.

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