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Guide for Buying Land

Guide for Buying Land

Guide for Buying Land
Devon Thorsby, USNews

If you’re starting from scratch, the first thing you need to do is buy land, which can be a simple process – or prove fraught with problems if you fail to do your due diligence. Sometimes, buying an existing home just won’t work. You may be a homebuyer who’s tired of competing for highly desired homes in the neighborhood you want, or maybe you just don’t like the idea of living in an older house. Either way, you have options if you’d prefer to live in a brand-new house.

Whether you’re planning to buy a teardown and build a home on the perfect plot of land or buy into a new housing development, prepare for a process that differs from purchasing an existing property.

The Search for Land
Check the Zoning and Condition of the Property
See if Utilities are Hooked Up
Demolish Any Existing Structures
Hiring a Team of Professionals
Designing Your Home
Get Municipal Approval
Keep Your Time Flexible

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