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Multi-Generational Homes Trending 2019

Multi-Generational Homes Trending 2019

Multigenerational Homes Trending 2019 Dave Derrenbacker

Multi-Generational Homes: There’s a growing trend around the country of different generations of families moving back in with each other, whether it’s millennial children or aging parents. NBC’s Jo Ling Kent looks closer at multigenerational homes in this week’s Sunday Spotlight.

USA Today

Read entire story here.

There are several properties in our area with in-law suites, free-standing buildings or large backyards with room for an addition. One of my current listings offers a perfect free-standing building on the property, perfect for in-laws or children moving back home. I am committed to finding the perfect home for my clients, and if you’re in need of a home that will include additional family members, please contact me.


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