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The Kiwanis Club of Stuart

The Kiwanis Club of Stuart


The Kiwanis Club of Stuart needs some help to win a contest for $25,000 of playground equipment for Kiwanis Park at Woodlawn in Downtown Stuart.

We just need your vote. Here is the story.

Kiwanis International partners with Playground Structures in the construction of playgrounds all around the country. Each year Playground Structures gives away a $25K package of playground equipment through a contest. The Kiwanis Club of Stuart is in the process of planning renovations to the 2 oldest playgrounds in the Park (and adding a sensory playground). As part of that process, we are competing for the equipment.

The contest started today (Monday Sept 14th) and runs until one second before noon on Sept 27th. Each person can vote 1 time per day.

Every vote counts whether you vote on one day or on each day. Please consider voting at least once and if at all possible, on as many days as you can so that we can add these funds to our renovation project.

Voting is simple: click on

We, Kiwanians and, most importantly, the kids, really appreciate your support in helping our community win $25,000 of playground equipment.

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